Be The Change
My friend, and pastor, Stew Carson once encouraged me and others to find our holy discontent. What he meant by this was to find something in life that you are passionate about changing. There are so many wrongs around us and in us that it is difficult to address them all. Becoming at peace with the fact that injustices will always take place, does not mean that a person should ignore, accept, or roll over when an injustice hits them smack in the face. Chasing injustices can lead to frustration. Confronting the injustices in your own life and circle of influence can lead to freedom and courage and change.
How many cop coffee conversations are marked by the frustration about persons, situations, and injustices? This is an indicator that we desire change and yet so often do not know how to usher in change in our lives and environments. Ghandi's words ring true. If you are griping for change, become that change. If you are angry about poor leadership, become a courageous leader. If you are angry about deceit become a speaker of truth. If you are angry or disillusioned about where you are at in life, then start asking the questions and seeking objective truth, open your mind and heart to areas where they were previously closed.
The next time you find yourself complaining about a person, situation, or injustice, ask yourself what it is that is in your capacity to challenge or change the situation. Your holy discontent could just be a prodding in your soul as to what your purpose is here on this earth. Listen to the discontent and take the risk of action.
Bob, great post. It reminds me of a Peter Drucker quote that I see alive in you.
“What do you want to be remembered for? I’m always asking that question. It is a question that induces you to renew yourself, because it pushes you to see yourself as a different person — the person you can become. If you are fortunate, someone with moral authority will ask you that question early enough in your life so that you will continue to ask it as you go through life.” Peter Drucker
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