Monday, October 16, 2006

Mad-itude or Attitude?

It is in the ability to open our eyes and minds where limitless wonders are discovered.

One of the most tragic effects of years of policing is the bitterness and anger that envelope the souls of those who were at one time positive and idealistic about their ability to make a difference in this world. I spoke with a retired police officer the other day who's anger towards the institutions that he had served was clearly evident in his words. I think, though, that the anger was much more about the hurt that comes from feeling the betrayal of the "family" of police officers, and not knowing what to do with that hurt.

The need for vindication ( and I know personally of what I speak) can sometimes blind us to the opportunities for personal growth and change that can come from recognizing the illusion of corporate pride that is ingrained in the minds of the youngest recruits. Make no mistake, an idealistic view of the profession of policing is a dangerous one. Corruption exists, envy, pride, lust for power, blind ambition, apathy, and conspiracies of silence and oppression, exist within all ranks of policing. But, it still hurts and that pain is very real. Unfortunately many police officers do not know what to do with that pain and the festering tentacles of bitterness take root.

Opening ones mind and heart to the timeless wisdom that is available to those who are seeking answers is like inhaling the fresh and clean air of a dewy spring morning. From tragedy often comes triumph. The light comes on, we see with new lenses, and the betrayal that has hurt us so deeply in our profession becomes as meaningless as a spurned adolescent kiss. It hurts at the time, but becomes almost laughable when viewed through a lens of maturity and wisdom.

I encourage frustrated and bitter police officers and ex-police officers to resist anger and bitterness with all their heart and soul and mind. Seek new answers, ask tough questions about life, and open yourself up to opportunities of wisdom and truth, laughter and love, peace and courage.


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